Data Driven Insights

Coffee with Beauty Benefits – Nestle

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What we call beauty either on a personal level or as a community consensus is a combination of inner beauty as well as physical attributes. Though the standards of beauty, especially physical beauty, has seen a sea change over time, yet certain attributes have remained timeless. Smooth skin, shiny complexion, proportionate bodies, regular features have awed us through the ages.

Much like an early morning tea or coffee, beauty and beauty routine has become an integral part of our life. But can we possibly connect these two important aspects of our life that are so diverse in the way they are perceived; beauty with coffee.

When Nestle wanted to launch its coffee variant, green coffee, in Indonesia, they wanted to find out if coffee could associate itself with green tea qualities as well. Now green tea is traditionally viewed as beverage that helps in external attributes of beauty.

Through our Digital Data Research, Nestle successfully launched Coffee with Green Tea qualities. In the first quarter itself the sales doubled and it has a firm foothold in the market as a coffee blend with beauty benefits.
